This is a detailed changelog for the specified release above.

◾ Overview

◾ File Changelog


  • builderx\cfg\sh_cfg_general.lua

  • builderx\cfg\sh_cfg_modes.lua


  • builderx\core\cl_init.lua

  • builderx\core\sv_init.lua

  • builderx\core\sv_penalty.lua

  • builderx\core\sv_psay.lua

  • builderx\pnl\cl_pnl_root.lua

  • builderx\sh_env.lua

◾ Changes

◾ New Setting to Bypass Cooldowns for Usergroups

Added a new setting within sh_cfg_modes.lua which allows for certain usergroups to bypass damage and switch cooldowns.

*   modes > cooldown > bypass

    cfg.modes.cooldown_bypass =
        [ 'owner' ] 	        = true,
        [ 'superadmin' ] 	    = true,
        [ 'admin' ] 	        = false,
        [ 'operator' ]          = false,
        [ 'donator' ]           = false,
        [ 'user' ]              = false

◾ Supports multiple chat/ console commands

Addon now allows for multiple commands to be bound to the console and chat commands.

◾ Fixed GetBuild Error

Customers reported an issue with a GetBuild error when cfg.build.bAdvBlockDmg enabled

◾ Fixed eProtect Compatibility

Resolved an issue which caused a random error with customers also using eProtect related to SetTitle()

Last updated